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Ooooby Announces A Colossal Competition Worth Over £10,000!

11 Mar 2024


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Ooooby Announces A Colossal Competition Worth Over £10,000!

11 Mar 2024


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Ooooby Announces A Colossal Competition Worth Over £10,000!

11 Mar 2024


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Ooooby Announces A Colossal Competition Worth Over £10,000!

11 Mar 2024


As a company that champions small scale farming, we're incredibly excited to celebrate our 15th year in 2024. To mark the occasion we have just announced a £10,000 prize pot up for grabs - entirely gathered to support the industry we love.

Ooooby (which stands for Out Of Our Own Backyards) provides an online platform to over 100 farms and food hubs in the UK to help them grow and nurture their business and sell directly to customers in a fuss free and efficient way.

With prizes from Jean-Martin Fortier’s Market Gardener’s Institute as well as his new Heirloom software, membership to the Organic Growers Alliance and Better Food Traders, subscriptions to Permaculture Magazine, tickets for Groundswell and FarmEd’s Farm Walks, tools from ReAg Tools, a hotline to Marketing Support and 6 months of FREE Ooooby Software. Winners will also have the story of their business highlighted on the Ooooby website and across social media! That’s a total of 120 prizes that 15 lucky winners can get their hands on!

The prize pots will be split into three categories - Entrant, Expanding and Ooooby, giving all levels of businesses a chance to win.

To enter the competition, people need to record a video designed to be published on Instagram that shines a light on the small-scale farming industry. It can be inspiring, funny, motivational, thought provoking - it just needs to be creative and designed to fuel conversation!

Videos are to be a maximum of 5 minutes long and MUST be filmed in portrait format.

Deadline for entries is the 19th April 2024.

For full details go to -

Make sure you follow them on instagram to keep up to speed as the competition develops

- @oooobyHQ

Ooooby - Putting Small Scale Back at The Heart of The Food System

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Book a demo today and get your own personal guided tour of Ooooby

Book a demo today and get your own personal guided tour of Ooooby

We’ll show exactly how to reach new local customers and operate a healthy, sustainable online business.

We’ll show exactly how to reach new local customers and operate a healthy, sustainable online business.

We’ll show exactly how to reach new local customers and operate a healthy, sustainable online business.

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Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

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Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved