Invest in Ooooby

Invest in Ooooby

Invest in Ooooby

Invest in Ooooby


Ooooby exists to put 'small-scale' back at the heart of our food systems.

We believe that societies function best when individuals, families and communities are independent, autonomous and self reliant. In this way, we can all contribute from a place of strength to build decentralised local economies.

Therefore, Ooooby is building an online platform for a decentralised food system. We build digital infrastructure for business opportunities in the small-scale food economy.

Our vision is a world where ‘small-scale, ecologically-sound’ food is convenient, easily affordable and desired by people everywhere.

To date, we have established e-commerce technology to facilitate B2C trade between farm based food hubs and homes, and we’re now extending the platform to facilitate B2B trade between food producers, transport operators, aggregation hubs, and independent businesses; resulting in a complete gate-to-plate ecosystem of farmers and artisan food producers.

Our technical solutions are designed to eliminate friction in short supply chains, thereby reducing costs, increasing convenience and growing the awareness of small-scale, ecological food.

Being successful in this endeavour means that;

  1. we all get to eat better food at better prices,

  2. local and decentralised economies thrive, and

  3. we can be proud to have contributed to a better food system for future generations.


Ooooby began in 2008 as a social network for small-scale growers to connect and talk to each other. We soon learned that the biggest challenge for small-scale producers was a fair and reliable channel to market. So, in 2010, we set up a food hub in a city carpark as a direct conduit between nearby farms and local homes. As the demand grew for this service we started building in house software to facilitate the unique 'pull-to-market' operational model.

This software enabled us to easily open 3 more hubs in other locations. After 10 years of running our own food hubs and continually developing our software, we pivoted to become 100% software focused.


Today, just 3 years after pivoting, more than 80 independently owned food hubs, mostly farm based, operate on the Ooooby platform and deliver to over 10,000 homes every week.

We're now growing at an average of more than 1 new hub a week.


Our investors to date include the founding team, impact angels and family offices including The A Team Foundation, Be the Earth Foundation, and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Investment Opportunities

We have recently closed our final pre-equity investment round and plan to launch our first equity growth round soon. If you would like to be included in the investment comms, please email your enquiry to


This presentation has been prepared by Ooooby UK Ltd, Company No: 09974918 (herein: The Company) for informational purposes only. It is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of any offer to purchase any securities or investment products which may be described herein. Any such offer will be made pursuant to a formal offer document to be furnished to prospective investors at a later date, which will contain more complete information necessary to make an investment decision, including the risks associated with investing in the vehicle, loss of the entire amount of principal and/or lack of liquidity. A prospective investor considering a direct investment in The Company should rely on such a document and related information. Any investment in The Company involves a high degree of risk, and prospective investors should seek the guidance of an approved financial advisor; as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority.

All opinions and views expressed herein constitute the judgment of The Company and/or its partners and/or associates as of the date of writing and may change at any time without notice and without obligation to update.  Such information may be based on certain assumptions and involve elements of subjective judgment and analysis.  This material does not constitute financial advice as determined by the Financial Conduct Authority or any other relevant authority or regulatory body. There has been no independent review of the information presented in this presentation.  This presentation is private and confidential and is intended exclusively for the use of the person to whom it has been delivered by The Company. This presentation is not to be reproduced or redistributed to any other person without the prior written consent of The Company.

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved