Out Of Our Own Back Yards

Out Of Our Own Back Yards

Out Of Our Own Back Yards

Out Of Our Own Back Yards


Rooted in Community, Powered by Community

Rooted in Community, Powered by Community

Rooted in Community, Powered by Community

Rooted in Community, Powered by Community

Ooooby's ownership model is designed to engage all the users of the Ooooby platform to proactively contribute to realising our mission of putting 'small-scale' back at the heart of our food system. All decisions are made for the benefit of the community as a whole and we will never sell out.

Watch the video to hear how Ooooby is decentralising the ownership of its trading platform.

Ooooby's ownership model is designed to engage all the users of the Ooooby platform to proactively contribute to realising our mission of putting 'small-scale' back at the heart of our food system. All decisions are made for the benefit of the community as a whole and we will never sell out.

Watch the video to hear how Ooooby is decentralising the ownership of its trading platform.

Ooooby's ownership model is designed to engage all the users of the Ooooby platform to proactively contribute to realising our mission of putting 'small-scale' back at the heart of our food system. All decisions are made for the benefit of the community as a whole and we will never sell out.

Watch the video to hear how Ooooby is decentralising the ownership of its trading platform.

"I've been deeply impressed by the ethos of Ooooby, the team and their attention to detail. In particular, principles in Ooooby's contract reassured me that they are an organisation that align with the mission of Shy By Nature Farm."

Ronan McNern

Shy By Nature Farm


Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food system

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food system

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food system

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food system

We envision a world where communities thrive on self-sufficiency, where individuals and families contribute to a decentralised, resilient food system. At Ooooby, we believe that small-scale, ecologically sound food production is the cornerstone of healthy local economies.

To realise this vision, we're building a comprehensive online platform that revolutionises the way food moves from producers to consumers. Our technology connects local farms and food hubs directly to homes, ensuring convenient access to fresh, wholesome produce.

Our aim is to eliminate the barriers that hinder the widespread adoption of small-scale, ecologically sound food. We're tackling the challenges of cost, inconvenience, and lack of awareness by developing innovative technical solutions and services. By streamlining the movement of food from farm to table, we aim to reduce costs, enhance convenience, and raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable food production.

Success for us means that everyone has access to better food at better prices. It means that local economies flourish, and that we can collectively take pride in shaping a brighter future for the generations to come. Join us in this journey towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable food landscape.

We envision a world where communities thrive on self-sufficiency, where individuals and families contribute to a decentralised, resilient food system. At Ooooby, we believe that small-scale, ecologically sound food production is the cornerstone of healthy local economies.

To realise this vision, we're building a comprehensive online platform that revolutionises the way food moves from producers to consumers. Our technology connects local farms and food hubs directly to homes, ensuring convenient access to fresh, wholesome produce.

Our aim is to eliminate the barriers that hinder the widespread adoption of small-scale, ecologically sound food. We're tackling the challenges of cost, inconvenience, and lack of awareness by developing innovative technical solutions and services. By streamlining the movement of food from farm to table, we aim to reduce costs, enhance convenience, and raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable food production.

Success for us means that everyone has access to better food at better prices. It means that local economies flourish, and that we can collectively take pride in shaping a brighter future for the generations to come. Join us in this journey towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable food landscape.

We envision a world where communities thrive on self-sufficiency, where individuals and families contribute to a decentralised, resilient food system. At Ooooby, we believe that small-scale, ecologically sound food production is the cornerstone of healthy local economies.

To realise this vision, we're building a comprehensive online platform that revolutionises the way food moves from producers to consumers. Our technology connects local farms and food hubs directly to homes, ensuring convenient access to fresh, wholesome produce.

Our aim is to eliminate the barriers that hinder the widespread adoption of small-scale, ecologically sound food. We're tackling the challenges of cost, inconvenience, and lack of awareness by developing innovative technical solutions and services. By streamlining the movement of food from farm to table, we aim to reduce costs, enhance convenience, and raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable food production.

Success for us means that everyone has access to better food at better prices. It means that local economies flourish, and that we can collectively take pride in shaping a brighter future for the generations to come. Join us in this journey towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable food landscape.

The current food system is

Exploitative of individuals and our environment

Exploitative of individuals and our environment

Exploitative of individuals and our environment

Exploitative of individuals and our environment

Controlled by a minority for the benefit of that minority

Controlled by a minority for the benefit of that minority

Controlled by a minority for the benefit of that minority

Controlled by a minority for the benefit of that minority

Over-exposed to global events

Over-exposed to global events

Over-exposed to global events

Over-exposed to global events

We want to see it

Treat individuals and our ecosystem with respect for current as well as future generations

Treat individuals and our ecosystem with respect for current as well as future generations

Treat individuals and our ecosystem with respect for current as well as future generations

Treat individuals and our ecosystem with respect for current as well as future generations

Controlled and owned by many, at a local level

Controlled and owned by many, at a local level

Controlled and owned by many, at a local level

Controlled and owned by many, at a local level

is Resilient in the face of a changing world and climate, and provides food security for everyone

is Resilient in the face of a changing world and climate, and provides food security for everyone

is Resilient in the face of a changing world and climate, and provides food security for everyone

is Resilient in the face of a changing world and climate, and provides food security for everyone


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Be first to hear about Ooooby developments, partnerships and exciting offers


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Be first to hear about Ooooby developments, partnerships and exciting offers


Sign up for Ooooby News & Tips

Be first to hear about Ooooby developments, partnerships and exciting offers


We know the business you're building. Many of us grow or sell local food - all of us believe in a better food system.

We know the business you're building. Many of us grow or sell local food - all of us believe in a better food system.

We know the business you're building. Many of us grow or sell local food - all of us believe in a better food system.

We know the business you're building. Many of us grow or sell local food - all of us believe in a better food system.



Pete has the iron will to build a sustainable and fair food system. A serial entrepreneur with 20 years experience in the food industry, including running his own box scheme for 10 years.



Pete has the iron will to build a sustainable and fair food system. A serial entrepreneur with 20 years experience in the food industry, including running his own box scheme for 10 years.



Pete has the iron will to build a sustainable and fair food system. A serial entrepreneur with 20 years experience in the food industry, including running his own box scheme for 10 years.



Pete has the iron will to build a sustainable and fair food system. A serial entrepreneur with 20 years experience in the food industry, including running his own box scheme for 10 years.


Head of Product & Engineering

Davy is our chief engineer and has built every part of our software platform to date. Davy was an Engineering Manager at Xero.


Head of Product & Engineering

Davy is our chief engineer and has built every part of our software platform to date. Davy was an Engineering Manager at Xero.


Head of Product & Engineering

Davy is our chief engineer and has built every part of our software platform to date. Davy was an Engineering Manager at Xero.


Head of Product & Engineering

Davy is our chief engineer and has built every part of our software platform to date. Davy was an Engineering Manager at Xero.


Finance Director

Alex is an experienced CFO with specialist skills in raising investment, FP&A, financial modelling, process improvements and systems implementation.


Finance Director

Alex is an experienced CFO with specialist skills in raising investment, FP&A, financial modelling, process improvements and systems implementation.


Finance Director

Alex is an experienced CFO with specialist skills in raising investment, FP&A, financial modelling, process improvements and systems implementation.


Finance Director

Alex is an experienced CFO with specialist skills in raising investment, FP&A, financial modelling, process improvements and systems implementation.


Head of Growth

Seb is a leader in the sustainable food sector in the UK and has navigated the start-up phase of multiple food enterprises. He co-owns a local box scheme in Hampshire and is co-founder of Hampshire Market Garden.


Head of Growth

Seb is a leader in the sustainable food sector in the UK and has navigated the start-up phase of multiple food enterprises. He co-owns a local box scheme in Hampshire and is co-founder of Hampshire Market Garden.


Head of Growth

Seb is a leader in the sustainable food sector in the UK and has navigated the start-up phase of multiple food enterprises. He co-owns a local box scheme in Hampshire and is co-founder of Hampshire Market Garden.


Head of Growth

Seb is a leader in the sustainable food sector in the UK and has navigated the start-up phase of multiple food enterprises. He co-owns a local box scheme in Hampshire and is co-founder of Hampshire Market Garden.


Marketing Lead

A passionate advocate of regenerative food systems, Kelly has recently set up a market garden selling veg bags alongside cut flowers to her local community. She has 20+ years of experience in PR & Marketing across hospitality sectors.


Marketing Lead

A passionate advocate of regenerative food systems, Kelly has recently set up a market garden selling veg bags alongside cut flowers to her local community. She has 20+ years of experience in PR & Marketing across hospitality sectors.


Marketing Lead

A passionate advocate of regenerative food systems, Kelly has recently set up a market garden selling veg bags alongside cut flowers to her local community. She has 20+ years of experience in PR & Marketing across hospitality sectors.


Marketing Lead

A passionate advocate of regenerative food systems, Kelly has recently set up a market garden selling veg bags alongside cut flowers to her local community. She has 20+ years of experience in PR & Marketing across hospitality sectors.


Onboarding & Support Lead

Louise leads on hub setup and support. What she doesn't know about the system isn't worth knowing. Louise has 20+ years experience in running and supporting organic box schemes.


Onboarding & Support Lead

Louise leads on hub setup and support. What she doesn't know about the system isn't worth knowing. Louise has 20+ years experience in running and supporting organic box schemes.


Onboarding & Support Lead

Louise leads on hub setup and support. What she doesn't know about the system isn't worth knowing. Louise has 20+ years experience in running and supporting organic box schemes.


Onboarding & Support Lead

Louise leads on hub setup and support. What she doesn't know about the system isn't worth knowing. Louise has 20+ years experience in running and supporting organic box schemes.


Onboarding & Support

Morgan looks after hub support and onboarding. Running a veg box scheme herself means she knows what it's like to be in our customer's shoes.


Onboarding & Support

Morgan looks after hub support and onboarding. Running a veg box scheme herself means she knows what it's like to be in our customer's shoes.


Onboarding & Support

Morgan looks after hub support and onboarding. Running a veg box scheme herself means she knows what it's like to be in our customer's shoes.


Onboarding & Support

Morgan looks after hub support and onboarding. Running a veg box scheme herself means she knows what it's like to be in our customer's shoes.


Senior Frontend Software Engineer

Giulio is our senior frontend software engineer. Passionate about UX/UI, Giulio transforms complex ideas into intuitive interfaces.


Senior Frontend Software Engineer

Giulio is our senior frontend software engineer. Passionate about UX/UI, Giulio transforms complex ideas into intuitive interfaces.


Senior Frontend Software Engineer

Giulio is our senior frontend software engineer. Passionate about UX/UI, Giulio transforms complex ideas into intuitive interfaces.


Senior Frontend Software Engineer

Giulio is our senior frontend software engineer. Passionate about UX/UI, Giulio transforms complex ideas into intuitive interfaces.


Sales Lead

Sophia is our sales lead and also provides supports to our hubs. She is a long standing advocate of local organic food having worked on small farms and running a fruit & veg stall.


Sales Lead

Sophia is our sales lead and also provides supports to our hubs. She is a long standing advocate of local organic food having worked on small farms and running a fruit & veg stall.


Sales Lead

Sophia is our sales lead and also provides supports to our hubs. She is a long standing advocate of local organic food having worked on small farms and running a fruit & veg stall.


Sales Lead

Sophia is our sales lead and also provides supports to our hubs. She is a long standing advocate of local organic food having worked on small farms and running a fruit & veg stall.

Book a demo today and get your own personal guided tour of Ooooby

Book a demo today and get your own personal guided tour of Ooooby

Book a demo today and get your own personal guided tour of Ooooby

We’ll show exactly how to reach new local customers and operate a healthy, sustainable online business.

We’ll show exactly how to reach new local customers and operate a healthy, sustainable online business.

We’ll show exactly how to reach new local customers and operate a healthy, sustainable online business.

Get Started Now

Get Started Now

Get Started Now

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved

Putting ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food systems

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved